Lightspeed announced our Marine Dealership RECT (Repair Event Cycle Time) Excellence Award winners during MRAA’s 2022 Dealer Week Conference. The RECT Marine Excellence awards underscore the RECT accomplishments and extraordinary efforts of our award-winning Marine dealerships.
We had the opportunity recently to sit down with Woodard Marine, one of our Marine RECT award winners, and learn more about their dealership. In business since 1960, Woodard Marine has used the Lightspeed dealer management system to touch every aspect of their business.
What does it mean to you to be recognized as a Lightspeed RECT Excellence award winner?
Woodard Marine has focused on efficiency and digital communication within our Service department team and our customer base. Being an award winner shows us that our focus, dedication to processes, and of course, having an amazing DMS / software system in place – like Lightspeed – the possibilities and growth are endless. We are humbled and honored to be recognized for the Lightspeed Marine RECT excellence award.
What are some ways that Lightspeed has improved efficiencies for Woodard Marine?
The Lightspeed system has allowed our entire service department to be paperless, and communication is solely through the repair order and service scheduler working together to communicate between team members. Each team member is responsible for their part of the puzzle daily within the service scheduler and repair order. Every team member has their own Lightspeed workstation with personal log-ins. The team is diligent about notes, clock in and clock out for tech on the job, along with making the RO categories our priority to be as efficient as possible from the start of the repair order to the final text/email/call to the customer for payment and pick up.
With the click of a button, and RO category change, a technician has communicated in live time to the service desk that a boat is completed and ready to be finalized, or a boat is winterized and ready for storage (cueing a yard tech to move the boat into a storage location). Because we are paperless and using the RO categories as our “replacement paper queue,” we are able to spend our day focused on the process we have put in place from Lightspeed, therefore allowing us to communicate faster between departments without having to leave the office or building, or losing a paper ticket along the way (we have 5 buildings offsite that we are actively working in each day within our service department).
What are 2-3 of your favorite features within Lightspeed?
- #1 The service scheduler
- #2 RO Categories
- #3 Live accounting within our modules, real-time accounting, and reports
Woodward Marine has found significant ways to leverage the power of Lightspeed reporting.
“We use the Technician Statistics Report on a daily basis as a way to monitor all of our efficiencies with all of our techs. Our average technician efficiency is between 120% to 125%, and we feel that is because of Lightspeed.”
We’ve been a trusted marine DMS partner to Woodard Marine for many years, and they know they can count on Lightspeed to get the job done.